"Pura Vida means having a pure life, and what I mean about that is not only about food and sports, but about being honest and pure with your own self. Following what your guts tell you. In this case is moving acording to your own patterns, on your own therms. Sometimes we pressure too much or too less our bodies and that brings you out of balance. My mission is to help you found yourself through the movements, either you need to prepare to fight and get stronger or allow your body to loose down and release."
Natalia's education:
- HBO (Bacharel & Licenciateur) in Physical Education - SP/Brazil - 2003/2006 FEFISA (3.354h)
- Hospitallity Management - UCF - FLorida/USA 2008 (150h)
- Mat & Studio Pilates certification @Stott Pilates Brasil 2011 (150h)
- Certification (Lato Sensu) in RCG Focusing in how to improve functionality of movement through myiofascial releasing, functional training and other different techniquesSP/Brazil - 2012/2013 Gama FIlho (360h)
- Certification in Osteopathy (first module) - IDOT-SP/Brazil - 2014/2015 (360h)
- Functional Vinyasa Yoga instructor - YogaGarden- Ams/Netherlands - 2019 (200h)
- Metodo Abdominal HIpopressivo - SP/Brasil - 20h ( Low pressure fitness**)
- Zwem Abc - NRZ
- ... and a lot os workshops and small T.T as Les MIlls, Functional training, etc.
- Swimming coach for base to professionals.
- Fitness trainer for weight loose or specific goals as competitive sports/injuries.
- Group classes Instructor: Body Balance / Pilates / Yoga / Aquagym / Functional training.
- Pilates Mat & Studio, since 2011 studying and working with all the layers of Pilates from the base on the mat to the most advances movements on the machines.