If you can't commit with presential classes for any reason, this is a great option for you. You can have acces to our library and choose wathever you like and do it on your own time.

Currently we have a large library of video classes available with the nexts subjects

- Pilates Mix ( all levels)

- Vinyasa-Lates ( Yoga  Pilates)

-Mobility & Releasing

- Power Pilates

Contact us if you would like to subscribe to our channel and have access to all this workouts



Our precious little ball. If you are tall or have a big body structure buy the 26cm . If not the 22cm is great.

Resistance band

The ideal size would be not shorter than 1,5m. Longer the better. For upper body workout is usefull medium or ligh resistance. For lower body can be handy a heavy resistance. Over all the medium intensity must be good enough.

Tennis balls

We need a pair of tennis balls, can be used . If you have more sensitive tissues you might prefere massage balls. 


Well if you only practice Pilates the softer mat that is more than 10mm dikte can be more comfortable for laying down exercises, but is not handy for Yoga practice where you need a lot of standing poses.So if you want a mat for both modalities my sugestion is get a mat with +/- 5mm dikte.

Week 12 & 16


Week 13 &15

Resistance Band + Towel

Week 11 & 14

Mat/tennis balls